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Writer's pictureKelsey Barnes

Creating a Competitive Edge Part III: Understanding and Engaging Generation Z in GME Recruitment

As the Graduate Medical Education (GME) industry continues to evolve, so too must your program’s strategies for connecting with the next generation of learners entering the recruitment pipeline. In Creating a Competitive Edge Part I: The Importance of Programmatic Branding and Social Media in GME Recruitment, Germane Solutions discussed the benefits of implementing a strong programmatic branding identity and using social media as a tool to connect with prospective residents and fellows. In Creating a Competitive Edge Part II: Harnessing Social Media for Effective GME Recruitment, Germane Solutions explored "how" programs can effectively leverage social media as a powerful tool and reviewed the operational and logistical considerations when launching your digital strategy.

As we shift our focus to the final segment of this series, it's crucial to delve into the characteristics, values, and preferences of your new recruitment audience: Generation Z.

Who is Gen Z?

Gen Z, defined as those born between 1997 and 2012, has grown up in a world dominated by digital technology, social media, and rapid access to information. This cohort is tech-savvy, socially conscious, and values authenticity and transparency in their interactions. Their unique perspectives, shaped by diverse global experiences, set them apart from previous generations.


Understanding Gen Z and their values is crucial, as they are now the learners entering the recruitment pipeline. Their expectations, behaviors, and decision-making processes differ significantly from those of previous applicants.


To remain competitive, your program must understand these distinct characteristics and ensure your strategy is tailored to reflect this new generation of learners. If you fail to effectively understand your audience, how impactful can your recruitment efforts actually be? 

Understanding Generation Z: Characteristics, Values, and Preferences

To effectively target and communicate with Gen Z, it's imperative to recognize the key traits that define this generation:

Digital Natives

Gen Z is accustomed to accessing information at their fingertips, often relying on smartphones and social media as primary sources of communication. They are comfortable navigating digital spaces and expect a seamless, intuitive experience across all platforms.

Value Authenticity and Transparency

Value-Driven Choices

Short Attention Span


How To Propel Generation Z Through the Recruitment Process

To successfully recruit Gen Z, GME programs must develop a recruitment process that resonates with these unique values and behaviors. This involves creating an experience that is informative, engaging, and aligned with their expectations.

Leverage Social Media to Build Community

Having a strong, engaging online presence is non-negotiable. Ensure that your program’s website is mobile-friendly and that your social media channels are active, providing valuable insights into the program, current residents, and faculty. A low-performing or outdated website may deter Gen Z candidates from engaging further.


Additionally, use social media platforms to create a two-way dialogue with potential recruits. Respond to comments, engage in conversations, and be available for questions. This approach fosters a sense of community and makes your program more approachable. Please reference Creating a Competitive Edge Part II: Harnessing Social Media for Effective GME Recruitment for additional insight on each platform and how to most effectively utilize each.

Leverage peer influence by encouraging current residents to share their experiences on their personal social media accounts. Gen Z is influenced by peer recommendations and values the opinions of those who are in similar life stages.

Create a Seamless Digital Experience

Craft Transparent and Authentic Communication

Incorporate Social Responsibility into Your Conversations

The Future of Medicine: Understanding and Embracing Gen Z

Effectively engaging Gen Z in the GME recruitment process requires a deep understanding of their values, preferences, and behaviors. By developing a recruitment strategy that prioritizes transparency, authenticity, social responsibility, and seamless digital experiences, programs can not only attract but also effectively propel Gen Z candidates through the recruitment process.

Many still might be wondering why a recruitment effort needs to adapt to this new generation, and it’s true that Gen Z often faces pushback and is saddled with negative stereotypes. Some argue they are overly sensitive, constantly seeking validation, or excessively dependent on technology. However, these generalizations overshadow the strengths this generation brings to the learning environment.

Gen Z has grown up in an era of rapid technological change, global connectivity, and unprecedented access to information. They are the most educated, diverse, and socially conscious generation yet. Their sensitivity is a reflection of their heightened awareness and empathy for global issues, and their reliance on technology is not a weakness, but rather a testament to their adaptability and innovation in navigating a complex digital landscape.

Ultimately, these are the future doctors of our society. Gen Z is now comprised of the individuals who will be at the forefront of medical innovation and patient care, and they are the ones who will be tasked with solving the healthcare challenges of tomorrow. Their fresh perspectives, combined with their deep commitment to values like inclusivity, transparency, and social responsibility, are exactly what the medical field needs to continue evolving and improving. By embracing Gen Z’s strengths and providing them with the tools and environments they need to thrive, we are doing our part in shaping and preparing the future of global healthcare.


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